Online banking
These days Online Banking is the main way most people move there money around. It can also be the easiest way to give your tithe/offering to Changepoint by setting up an automatic payment. You can do this online by using our account details Changepoint Trust.
ACC# Changepoint Trust
02- 0466- 0376018- 000
Don't forget to put your full name as the reference.
ACC# Changepoint Trust
02- 0466- 0376018- 000
Don't forget to put your full name as the reference.
During every Sunday service we give you an opportunity to give your tithe/offering as we pass around the collection. This is suitable for cash and/or eftpos tithes/offerings.
An EFTPOS machine is available at ConnectPoint for you to use at your convenience.
An EFTPOS machine is available at ConnectPoint for you to use at your convenience.